Multiple Sclerosis

Suzan Leakey.

Suzan lived in the beautiful Chianti Region of Italy. Unfortunately her ability to enjoy the pleasures of the countryside had been limited for nearly thirty years. Suzan had multiple sclerosis. As the years advanced the disease gradually took her coordination and strength until she became dependent on her family for assistance in nearly every aspect of her life.

By the summer of 1996 her weight had declined to less than 90 pounds and her world had been reduced to what she could experience from whatever position she had been placed in.

Then in September something occurred that completely altered Suzan's life. A couple from the United States she had known for many years came to visit her. They brought with them several bottles of a clear liquid they referred to as Cytolog. Closely associated with the manufacturer, the product and its capabilities were quite familiar to them. They went on to explain why they felt she would benefit and ultimately convinced her to try it.

What follows is an excerpt from the Christmas card Suzan sent her friends’ six weeks after the visit:

"I must tell you what a difference Cytolog has made to my life and well being and thank you both very much for your kindness and support."

"It’s hard to believe but here was a change almost overnight and from the time when it came I am walking without a stick, have gained 3 kgs. in weight and am ecstatically happy."

In her last report Suzan describes herself as completely recovered with a weight of 125+ pounds.

Readers note:

Suzan's story was selected because it was dramatic and at the same time representative of those reported by others with MS.

Related Information Sites on Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis On-Line Support

Multiple Sclerosis Forum

The World of Multiple Sclerosis

My Life and Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis

Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers

Living with Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Personal Poems

Multiple Sclerosis: Non-visible

Jody with Multiple Sclerosis

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